Bridal Party
Maid of Honor: Caroline Osborne

It was love at first sight with Caroline, shin guards and all. Caroline and I met in 3rd grade at soccer practice and we became instant best friends. Growing up together we loved sleepovers (where I would always fall asleep first to Caroline's dismay), going to tea, eating ridiculous amounts of Junior Mints while watching the Twilight movies more times than we care to admit, and baking to our hearts content. What I appreciate about Caroline is her bravery, passion, candor, and thoughtfulness. She has and continues to open my eyes to new perspectives and knows me like no one else. Its for this reason that it was a no brainer to ask her to be my Maid of Honor. I am so happy that she said yes and I am so looking forward to having her and her family (my second family) by my side on this big day!

Bridesmaid: Chantelle Prentice

As Chantelle's husband knows very well whenever she and I are together you can count on us being gone for hours. This has been the case since she and I met through volunteering together at our church. Chantelle and I can talk about anything, we love to have a good time and laugh at life's quirks together. She has and continues to inspire me to grow in my faith and to slow down and appreciate the things life throws my way. I can't wait to have her as one of my bridesmaids on this special day.

Bridesmaid: Mikayla Jones

Mikayla and I met through a growth group at church. Shortly after meeting we bonded over our shared love for pizookies and that was just the start of things things we have in common. One of my favorite memories with Mikayla is wandering around Target talking and laughing as we scanned all the aisles trying to find the perfect gift for a coworker of mine. Whether it be grabbing a bite at Panera, getting our nails done, or looking for the best bargain at Ross we always have a great time. I enjoy sharing life's moments together and I'm excited to share this experience with her too.

Best Man: Daniel Zhang

Daniel was my first roommate at Berkeley. Mutually crying about how much we miss home brought us close together. I have lots of stories to share about him, but I'm saving them to embarrass him at his wedding.

Groomsman: Viet Truong

I met Viet in junior high. We had lockers next to each other in PE and he taught me what Axe Deodorant was by daily spraying himself in a cloud large enough to water Africa. We've been friends ever since.

Groomsman: Mitchell Griffin

Mitchell is my brother. I met him when I was 2.